Gospel Distribution Evangelical Association



Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature (Mk.16:15)

2024 Bible Questions from Radio Audience

Question :


From: Bro Timothy

Sent: Saturday, May 25, 2024 1:19 AM

To: gospeldistribution

Subject: Witness encounter



 May 24 2024


Dear beloved,

   It is a great honor to serve our great King, Jesus Christ! I will try to summarize the activities of our missionary work, even though it would require a number of letters to tell all that our Lord has done.


First of all, One day my son and I got on a bus and sat down together. There was room for someone to sit next to me, and so I silently prayed,  Lord, please send a man who needs to hear the gospel.

Then a person sat next to me, but it wasn t a man! It was a lady in a white dress and white shoes with very high heels.

Shyly I greeted her and asked,  Is where this bus is going your home? . She answered No, now my children are grown and in remote villages.

Last week I visited my two sons in another village.

By the way, my name s Esther.

          As I introduced my son and myself, I was thinking: I have no idea how to speak to this lady about Jesus!

So I just asked,  Do you travel often?

Oh yes, especially since my husband died.

I m sorry about your husband. Was it recent?

  Yes, months ago,  Esther said sadly.  He had never been sick, but one morning he didn t wake up. I touched him  he was cold   dead! How shocked I was!

The grief continued for months. Then I became sick. The doctor said it was just worry and loneliness that caused my illness. So now I try to feel happy, but many days I m too sick to get out of bed.

I felt so sorry for Esther. I told myself,  I should pray for her right now  but no  I can t pray on a bus.

She would be embarrassed, and people would think we are manner less!


After a moment of awkward silence, I finally said  Listen, Esther. I know this isn t a church, but my son and I love to pray for people. Could we pray for you  now  here on this bus?

Esther said,  Okay,  but I wondered what she was really thinking.

I held my son s hand as I always do when we pray. Then I began,  Dear Jesus, thanks that you love Esther. You suffered for her sins so that she can be your child now and forever

As I continued praying, people near us stopped talking and listened. I feared that Esther was going to hate me, and hate Jesus for embarrassing her in front of all these people.

Yet when I finished, she said sincerely,  That was the most beautiful thing I ve ever heard


I gave her our address to church, and then we continued talking with her until she got off the bus.


A few weeks later we received a wonderful Email letter from her saying,  My life changed that day on the bus. Daily I m busy helping other widows!


We cannot bring many people to Jesus by preaching only to those who enter our church building we must go out to where the lost sheep are!

Lets spend time more time evangelizing outside our church building than we spend sitting inside it Acts 13-47



Question - Have you had any similar encounter to minister to someone? Who is that person, please can you share your experiences ?



l hope to hearing back from you!


God is good!

Brother Timothy

Freetown, Sierra Leone


Answer Given :


From: julius
Sent: Saturday, May 25, 2024 8:57 AM
To: bro Timothy
Subject: RE: Witness encounter


Dear Timothy,

keep up the good work. Some will listen some may not but it will be a witness unto them.

Yes, in trains and buses, we try to witness to people. Sometimes one-on-one as your testimony, and sometimes we stood up and address everyone in the bus or in the train cabin. In all, the Lord Jesus is glorified.

One particular experience came to mind in the train in London many years ago. I was a visitor for several weeks training, and as my custom, I addressed about 4 to 6 people in my train cabin and preached Jesus to them. They looked at me as if I was a lunatic, because in London in the train, no one talk to another unless they came together. No one responded. When the train stopped at my own train-stop, and I came down, one of the men in the train-cabin where I spoke also came down and ran after me to introduce himself. To cut the story short, he invited me to his house, and his bible study that week to share more about the word of God.


Jesus is coming soon. Be not ashamed of the gospel of Christ for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believe. (Romans 1:16)


God bless you.

Bro. Julius



From: Chali
Sent: Monday, June 10, 2024 2:01 PM


Dear Evangelist Julius Adewumi, 

Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

My name is Chali Gemechu from Ethiopia and I am a senior Pastor at Vision International Gospel Ministry Church.


I came across your books tittled 'Christ Abolished Death' and 'Rapturing Faith.' It is a blessing for all of us for it gives a new insight on how to enjoy a long life as of  David and earnestly waiting for the 2nd coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.


May the Lord bless you, ur ministry and ur loved ones.

Pastor Chali




Thank you, Pastor Chali, for your feedback on the books you read.

Please download our mobile App, GospelDistributionEA , unto your cellphone and

You can listen to edifying sermons, both audios and videos freely.

There are more sermons on the same topics Christ Abolished death , Rapturing Faith on the App.

Also pass it to others for edifying of the body of Christ.


God bless you.

Bro. Julius






From: Uwi WDE
Sent: Monday, October 28, 2024 2:07 AM
Subject: America Today


Hello Beloved, l am Clara Ujiwa and l am 68 years old!

Most of the literatures in our book room in our bible study class are from America! So most of us loves America and sometimes discusses on America!

Do you think America is getting closer to God than before???

An answer to this question will be appreciated!

Mrs Clara

Accra, Ghana


Answer Given


From: juliusa@gospeldistribution.org <juliusa@gospeldistribution.org>
Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 2024 9:10 AM
To: 'Uwi WDE'

Subject: RE: America Today


Thank you, sister Clara, for your email.

America is not getting closer to God.  As a matter of prophecy all nations will go further into spiritual darkness and only in the house of the Lord shall be light, so that the end can come. 1 Timothy 4:1-2,  and 2 Timothy 3:1-7 is fulfilling itself worldwide. 1 Thes.5:3 For when they shall say peace and safety, then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.

   There shall be the manifestation of the sons of God (Romans 8:19) at this last age, as the prophecies have indicated, which is a mighty revival from God worldwide, and many more shall be saved before there will be a world-war and Armageddon that will close up the age.

   Children of God should look up unto Jesus for the Rapture, for our redemption draweth nigh . 1 Thes. 4:16-17, For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first.

Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air; and so shall we ever be with the Lord .




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https://player.lightcast.com/0EzNxATN     video

https://player.lightcast.com/0UTN0YjM    audio


Bro. Julius





From: Ruth Amasa

Sent: Sunday, January 12, 2025 12:07 AM
Subject: New Year Greetings

Dear Beloved in Christ, 


Happy New Year to you and your church family! 

The new year in our church has been hard for some. Many loved ones died last year, and those left are still saddened. We praise God for strong leadership and faithful preaching of the word. There are so many who are encouraged by it. We are starting a new sermon series out of the books of Samuel, I think, and we will have regular Wednesday night classes in Mid-January on different Bible topics. 


On new year eve a friend's son l gave New Testament Bible came over to join us. We see him often. He is one of my students. He has been baptized, and he comes regularly to the church youth group, though he does not come to services. He was planning to start working for the church but has now changed his mind. We are praying that God will make a way. He needs godly examples of men. He does not know his father, and his mother does not know Christ. 


My new friend, a sister in Christ and I did recently travel to remote villages of hers. We saw many idol statues and temples. If we were to go back, I would like to help the local church in any way if I could.  


I do like to travel, but it is a lot of money to spend, and I would like to spend it serving the Lord. And you?  Will you not like to visit Israel, someday, to see the places mentioned in scripture, or you have already done so 


My wish for America is always the same, regardless of who is president - that God will draw your nation to Himself, that He will protect you from harm and protect you all from sinning against Him, that his heart would be captured by the gospel and that would influence his leadership of your country. 

My prayer for you is that the Lord will provide you with people to pour into you so that you are able to continue to pour into others. I pray that He will encourage you and strengthen you and embolden you for His purposes, so that you will not grow weary, remembering in due time He will reap your Harvest if you do not give up.


And you what ways are sharing the gospel there ?  Are you Bringing people to Christ with it and what are the fruits that have resulted from that ??


Have you one day go to the streets, bus station etc sharing the gospel, how was the experiences like ?


Can you remember a person you have won to the Lord and perhaps saw a new life in him or her ? ?? Perhaps the person began going to church or serving the for Lord ?



Grace and peace to you this new year, 




Sister Ruth A. Ama

Bread of Life Mission

Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria





Thank you, Ruth, for your email.

The Lord is good to all and his tender mercies are over all his works.

The Lord will reward you as you win souls for his kingdom.


Download our App GospelDistributionEA to your mobile phone and listen to sermons and testimonies for your edification.


Bro Julius.





From: Cross Pastor <crosspastordaniel@gmail.com>
Sent: Thursday, January 2, 2025 8:31 PM
Subject: 2024 new year greetings


Happy New Year beloved in Christ, l decided to email you because l have heard from some believers that the answers you had provided to their Bible question sent to you have proven useful and beneficial to their christian life.

I'm praying that "you will prosper and be in health as your soul prospers.  And  I'm praying that each member of your family will have "...his or her needs be met by my God, according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus."  


"On New Year's Eve I spent a couple of hours 

preaching and teaching the gospel at a Jail for Women along with a lady who invited me. 


We gave out 2 worn out old Bibles to women that want to study the word, and they are truly encouraged by the word of God. I taught out of Luke 9:6-35.  


One woman, 32 years old Samantha has received Christ in her heart and surrendered to Christ in tears. She was on drugs and has been her whole life but is now sober in jail and has the opportunity to go to a drug rehabilitation home.  Please keep her in your prayers for strength and a mighty move of God in her life.


Some questions please

1. How was the new year with you or in your church or ministry ?


l am very sorry l have asked a lot of questions here however any answer you can give is okay! 


Christian greetings to you in our Lord Jesus!


Pastor Dan Oloya

56 Eto Lane, Benin City, Edo State, Nigeria





Praise the Lord, pastor Dan.

We trust the Lord for bountiful harvest of souls again in the new year 2025.

You can listen to our Radio broadcast on Edo-Broadcasting-Service  on Sundays 5.30pm in Benin city.

Also more sermons from our mobile App on your cellphone.  Search for GospelDistributionEA .


God bless.

Bro. Julius


GDEA HomePage








From: Shume Mana <shumemana3@gmail.com>
Sent: Friday, November 15, 2024 4:25 AM
Subject: I'm a pastor my name is shumitu mangasha from Ethiopia


Dear christian missions

shalom the name of Jesus Christ how are you and your missions we are very well about our health glory to our salvation Jesus Christ. Next to this we ask you the love of Jesus Christ spiritual helps this is holy English bible we are college students and orphans students in the full gospel believers church. We need from you 100 holy English bible.

Our address is yirgalem sidama Ethiopia PO box 273.

Thank you God bless you and your missions 





Please download our App GospelDistributionEA and on the menu, you can freely read the English bible

And also listen to sermons.



God bless you.

Bro. Julius







From: Sister Rita
Sent: Sunday, October 13, 2024 11:35 PM



Would you please help me answer these questions?



1.  What is Daniel 8:14 talking about, and when side that time end?


2. What chapter in Revelation gives us the message of this hour?


3. How can one prove from scripture that Jesus came on time, and died on time?


4. What day was set apart and sanctified by God -for us to worship him?


5. Does God plan to burn me forever and ever if i sin and do not repent of my sin?


6. If the plan of salvation was all finished at the cross, why didn't Jesus just take his disciples and go back to heaven and make everyone left on the earth stop breathing so that there would be no more pain and sorrow?


Thank you ahead of your time for biblical answers to these questions is made available to me. 

Sister Rita

FREETOWN, Sierra Leone





Thank you, Rita, for your bible questions.

Please take time to listen to the linked sermons, and most of your questions will be answered. Have an open mind.








God bless you.

Bro. Julius




From: Pastor Ray <pastorray2024@gmail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, October 9, 2024 1:59 PM
To: Pastor Ray <
Subject: A Commentary on EXODUS ??


Good day from Nairobi, Kenya,

I am in a small Bible study group and we have been searching scriptures. 

We ve had some great discussions over some subjects in the Bible! 

This morning l am sending you A Commentary on EXODUS from 

A BIBLE COMMENTARY written by a man of God for you to HELP us look at and thereafter tell us what you can understand from this commentary on EXODUS ?????? TELLING US WHAT YOU READ THAT IS CORRECT AND IN LINE WITH BIBLE OR WHAT YOU DO NOT AGREE WITH, IF ANY AND REASONS FOR IT IF YOU CAN! 

l am 79 years old and in a wheelchair!

Pastor Ray Elobaqua

Search The Scripture Fellowship






Thank you for this commentary on Exodus.

The highlighted section below is the part I will prefer it be as the bible described instead of narrating the section of the red sea crossed as suez canal area, or that they avoided to go via the mediterranean coast as well defended by the Egyptians, when the bible said to avoid an early war with the Philistines 13:17.

Final triumph over Egypt (13:17-14:31) When they left Egypt, the Israelites did not go by way of the Mediterranean coast, as this was well defended by the Egyptians and war would certainly have resulted. Instead they went east towards the Red Sea (17-18). (A literal translation for the name of this stretch of water is Sea of Reeds. It was not the 200 kilometre wide sea that we today call the Red Sea, but probably an extension of the Red Sea s northwestern arm, the Gulf of Suez. It seems to have been a large shallow expanse of water near the line of the present-day Suez Canal.)


You may view/listen to our Teachings on book of Exodus or the Journey of the Israelites from Egypt by downloading our App into your cellphone or view it on Webapp. Search for GospelDistributionEA from your App store.


Visit our website here:  GDEA HomePage (gospeldistributionevangassoc.org)

From there, you can see the webapp : GospelDistributionEA (lightcast.com)

Teachings 0n Exodus-The journey of the Israelites

GospelDistributionEA (lightcast.com)


For example Exodus chapter 1:  https://gospeldistributionea.lightcast.com/player/42672/673030


God bless.

Bro. Julius





To: benjamin dauda <benjamindauda234@yahoo.com>

Subject: important question


Dear precious Servant of God,

Holy greetings to you in the mighty Name of Jesus. The mission for some churches, individuals etc to have provided free Bibles to people in Ghana, a third world country which is in short of Christian Literatures shows they are wisely seeking understanding of the things of God.


It is so glorifying to know from a field report from a local pastor here that these Bibles are still helping people come to faith in Christ and mature in grace and the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.


Sometime back l gave a Bible to an old friend of mine. He professes to love God and want to follow Him. But this man puts other things before God, things like his work and personal life.


He has periods where he seems on fire for God, but then something will come up and he'll forget God for a while. It was during one of his "up" times that I decided to give him this special Bible he asked for.


PLEASE my important question for you today is as follow:- Have you personally given out or handed out a Free Bible to anyone in your area and how was the encounter like ?


Ever His always,

Susan B. Ewodaua

Psalm 118:8


Nairobi, Kenya


Answer Given

Praise the Lord.

We send out gospel literature to many and we receive testimonies of how they are blessed.


You can download our mobile App "GospelDistributionEA" into your phone and view/listen to edifying sermons.

Tell others about it also.

It can be used as a followup to those evangelized, as they can listen to sermons anytime of the day with headset even on the job.


Bro. Julius




From: jovia
Sent: Monday, July 1, 2024 3:01 PM
Subject: Handling out a Bible


Beloved in Christ,

Greetings to you in the Precious Name of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Today, I have a few minutes to sit down and write this report about our work here. 

l pray this report meets you in good health and in resounding faith.

I will try to summarize these activities, even though it might require a number of emails to tell all that our Lord Jesus Christ has done.

In early June we had received Five Bibles from a man of God, It was a blessing getting to meet some men and women we want to give these literatures to.

One of such was a man who was unable to walk on his own, but use crutches; He had significant pain in his legs, but was very happy because he received his Bible! He said he has been praying for two years for a Bible, so this is a big blessing for him!

There is also a lady we met in her sick bed to hand her a Bible. While she was in the hospital, she had talked with another person about the Bible. What a joy it was for her to tell me and ask me for a Bible to give to the person. Please pray for her as her health will continue to improve.



Will you join us in praying for these believers that they will be encouraged and motivated with the literatures they have received and to continue seeking the Lord in their lives.

I would to know please if you have ever given a Bible to someone where you live? Who is the person or they ? And how was the experiences like handling out this Bible?


Shortly to be 60 this year.  

Your Sister in Christ, Jovia


Mailing Address

Sister Jovia

Good News of Jesus Ministry

Oshogbo, Ekiti State






Sister Jovia,

  Thank you for the testimonies.  We pray along for the fruit to remain in Jesus name.

You can download our App GospelDistributionEA from your Android Appstore or Iphone store into your cellphone and freely listen to edifying sermons.


God bless you.

Bro. Julius